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MedSpa Biz University

A proven effective business model​ to help you elevate your success

Discover MBU

MedSpa Biz University

Your ultimate resource for empowering medical aesthetic professionals and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and business education to excel in the ever-evolving medical spa industry.

Discover the most effective business strategies that lead to multiple seven figures in revenue. The business model is designed to help you open as well as scale up your current medical aesthetics practice.

We invite you to reserve a Prosperity Planning Meeting & a tour of MedSpa Biz University, (a value of $250). Also, receive a com­pli­men­tary copy of Dori Soukup’s latest book Medical Aesthetics Success – Your Business In The BLACK
Specializing in medical aesthetics for start ups
and scaling up into multiple seven figures
Get Dori Soukup Newest Book: Medical Aesthetics Success
InSPAration Mgmt. MedSpa Capacity Calculator
A Complimentary Success Planning Session
Plan your
medical aesthetics success

Reaching your success is a journey and requires careful planning. Avoid costly mistakes by discovering and implementing the following strategies.

We specialize in every phase of the planning process. Whether you are just starting to plan your medical spa, or if you are already operating one. Whether you are looking to reach your first million or ready to scale-up multiple 7-figures, Medspa Biz University can help you reach your goals and shape your successful future.

Medspa Biz University Specialties
Starting Up Your Medical Spa
A to Z Medical Spa Development Guide

Embarking on your entre­pre­neu­rial journey in the medical spa industry? Receive Your A to Z Planning Guide.

Medspa Biz University offer a curri­cu­lum to assist in your en­tre­pre­neu­rial jour­ney. Start-up pro­gram that is tailor-made for vi­sion­aries like you. We provide com­pre­hen­sive gui­dance, from crafting a robust business plan to navi­gating a smooth process and setting up a solid foun­dation for your medical spa venture. Let us be your compass in the initial stages, en­sur­ing your start-up takes off con­fi­dent­ly, strategically and suc­cess­fully.

Reaching the First Million in Business
Looking for ways to reach your first million?

Reaching the coveted milestone of your first million in business takes dedi­cation, hard work, and pro­fes­sional business guidance. A busi­ness advisor will help you optimize ope­ra­tions, build a high per­form­ing team, and implement the 5 S’s: Systems, Structures, Stra­te­gies, and Solutions to lead you to the 5th S – Success. Implementing a business model that propels your business past this sig­nificant marker. With a team of experts and proven methods, you’ll not only achieve your financial goals but also lay the groundwork for sustained success and future growth.

Scaling Up into Multiple Millions
Ready to amplify your success and scale your business into multiple millions?

The scaling up program is designed for ambitious en­tre­pre­neurs aiming high. We offer advanced stra­te­gies, in­no­va­tive mar­ket­­ing ap­proa­ches, and stream­lined operational tech­niques to expand your reach, boost profitability, and ensure sus­tain­able growth. Part­ner with us to navi­gate the com­ple­xi­ties of scaling up, maximize your potential, and transform your medi­cal spa into a thriving, multi-million-dollar enter­prise.

Already Enrolled In MedSpa Biz University?

Gain access to the exclusive business model!

The More You Learn, The More You Earn!
Education Pays Off!
The business education is delivered via videos, audios, in-person live events or one-on-one executive coaching. Topics include, pre-opening, start-up, financial planning, a performance-based compensation model, marketing strategies to attract affluent consumers, sales models to increase high-ticket sales, treat­ment upgrades and retail sales. Team building, consultation process, implementing a recurring revenue model, delivering a great guest experience and more…
Medical Spa Business Programs

On Demand
Business Education – MBU A VIP Program

Live 2-day Events

Executive Coaching

On-site training

Strategic Day with an Executive Coach

Shop A-La-Carte

All the Business Tools & training need to succeed.
See What Medical Professions have to say.
Raving Fans
MedSpa Biz University Events

We offer the most effective live events for medical professionals and entrepreneurs. All events are two days and are filled with great, insightful, strategies to help you elevate your success.

They are designed based on where you are currently with your business. From start-up to advanced. We invite you to choose the ideal event for you and register to begin your business transformation.


Seven Steps To Seven Figures & Beyond

Success Within Your Reach!

Vision to Victory – Starting-Up
Your Medical Aesthetics Journey

Your A To Z Planning Process​

Advanced Marketing Mastery

This two-day seminar focuses on mastering your med spa marketing. Delve into the art of crafting a unique brand identity, understanding affluent consumers, mastering sophisticated sales techniques, and maximizing profits from high-end clients. By the end of this event, you’ll possess the knowledge and confidence to position, market, sell, and profit from your medical spa’s affluent clientele, ensuring unprecedented growth and financial success.
Become a Published Author & Improve Your Positioning Write Your Book in One Weekend Business Seminar

Become Published​

Write A Book in 2-Days​

Instead of playing price war games to compete, it’s time you compete on expertise. Have your name on a book! Becoming a published author will position you as an expert in your field and will help you attract high-paying clients. Join us and begin differentiating yourself from the competition, reduce your marketing costs and increase your revenue.

Initial Steps to Success
How it works?
Reserve a Success Planning Session where you and a business advisor can meet, discuss your business status, and make a business recommendation to help you reach success the fastest way possible.
MedSpa/Medical Aesthetic Business Books on Amazon

Receive Your A to Z Planning Guide.